挑選設計感家具 提升空間質感
複合機能傢 補強簡單空間的不足
採購家具不必一次到位 將部份舊家具用在新空間中,採購家具不必一次到位,挑選耐看且真正喜歡的家具,才是重點,而且還能降低採買家具的預算。
家具比例與空間協調 所有家具尺寸的考量,都是為了達到最極致的美和平衡;所有的物件都是以最符合人體舒適來測量作決定。選擇喜歡的、而不是成套的家具作搭配,圓形餐桌該有的尺寸必須提供相同比例大小的空間融合,家具與空間呼應的比例掌握成就風格的完整度。
- 不規則形
- 卡通/動物型
- 填充棉
- 商品類別 : 抱枕
功能 : 背靠/腿靠/趴睡/靠臥
表布材質 : 天然進口麻纖維
枕心材質 : 聚脂纖維
尺寸 : 45x45cm
產地 : 台灣
「皮膚」作為人們最外在、最直觀的表面,讓「皮膚管理」成為了當代人越來越重視的一件事情。·YOUNGER CARE(漾皮膚)正是這樣一間以「皮膚至上」的皮膚管理中心。 一個好的皮膚,有著如「絲般順滑」的質感,便擁有了最純天然的美感。所以,當遇到這個空間時,設計師首先將整個空間定位為"無銳角"、"無封閉死角」的流暢公共空間。除了皮膚管理之外,更是將女性柔美、順滑質感等關鍵點作為設計的靈感,意在讓整個空間給顧客一種夢幻、流暢、順滑的體驗感。展現出「絲般順滑」為核心的設計理念的同時,也將品牌的理念和價值融入其中,完善和提升了業主對該商業空間的訴求。 ... 設計師首先從交通動線上加強了視覺的交錯感,使原本中規中矩的空間通過以線性的穿插和體塊的分割,最終創造出一種輕盈、連貫的蔓延感空間,讓整個皮膚管理中心破陳出新,流動著現代的時髦感和藝術感。 The designer first strengthened the sense of visual interlacing from the traffic dynamics, so that the normal space was linearly interspersed and divided by the volume, and finally created a light and coherent space of spread, which broke the entire skin management center. Chen Chenxin, flowing modern sense of fashion and art. 門廳的設計概念: ...... 從進門處開始,一個從U型的隔斷牆延伸出的直線型無銳角的前臺桌映入眼簾,增強了整個空間的代入性和錯位感,同時也讓整個門廳提升了趣味性和加強了儀式感,並且整個門廳空間,使用了模糊、通透的玻璃隔斷搭配純白的牆面,讓顧客眼前一亮,激起想進去一探究竟的好奇心。 Starting from the entrance, a straight front desk with no acute angles extending from the U-shaped partition wall comes into view, which enhances the substitution and dislocation of the entire space, and also enhances the fun and ritual of the entire hall. sense. In addition, the entire foyer space uses fuzzy and transparent glass partitions with pure white walls to make customers' eyes brighter and arouse the curiosity of wanting to go inside. ...... 頂面流線的金屬造型與燈光線條相呼應,形成一絲絲柔滑的清風,穿過空隙,扶搖而上,和內部空間巧妙的銜接在了一起,無論在白晝還是夜晚都有別致的視覺觀賞性。這也正是設計師用設計的語言和藝術裝置的抽象形式表達「絲般順滑」的設計伏筆。 The streamlined metal shape on the top echoes the light lines, forming a silky breeze, passing through the gap, shaking up, and cleverly connecting with the internal space. It has a unique visual appreciation on day and night. . This is exactly what the designer used to design the language and the abstract form of the artistic installation to express "silk smooth" design foreshadowing. 接待廳與辦公室的設計概念: ...... 走到大廳和辦公室,兩面環顧的落地窗為空間延展了無邊視野,也給了設計最動人的靈感。如何在保留窗外的美景和通透的高級感的同時確保包間的私密性和獨立性?便成為設計師思考的問題。 Walking to the lobby and the office, the floor-to-ceiling windows that looked around on both sides extended the boundless view of the space and gave the design the most moving inspiration. How to ensure the privacy and independence of the private room while retaining the beautiful scenery and transparent high-end feeling outside the window? It becomes a question for designers to think about. ...... 設計團隊首先選擇使用雙層豎紋長虹玻璃的材質,並在四周一圈洗牆燈帶,配合大廳的流線型空間,模糊了室內顧客和室外城市的界限,營造出被風景環繞的朦朧感。為了迎合同樣造型的燈帶,進門處木製弧形曲線裝置進一步的增強了光線和整體的層次。 The design team first chose the material of double-layer vertical-grained Changhong glass, and washed the wall lights around it, in cooperation with the streamlined space of the lobby, blurred the boundaries between indoor customers and outdoor cities, and created a hazy sense surrounded by scenery. In order to cater to the same shape of the light strip, the wooden curved curve device at the entrance further enhances the light and the overall level. ......... 利用玻璃的漫反射光源,和近乎純白色的視覺基調,通過層層肌理、通透的材料、光影、線條交織組合,營造出輕盈潔凈的空間感覺,讓顧客可以在環視整個寧波市風景的同時,享受YOUNGER CARE皮膚管理中心的安全、安心、舒適的護理環境。 The diffuse reflection light source of glass and the almost pure white visual tone are used to create a light and clean space feeling through the interweaving of layers of texture, transparent materials, light and shadow, and lines, so that customers can look around the entire Ningbo city landscape while , Enjoy the safe, secure and comfortable care environment of YOUNGER CARE Skin Management Center. VIP室的設計概念: ...... VIP室分別從材質和布局上營造出專門為VIP獨立的空間氛圍。首先從材質上,設計團隊選擇使用以大理石、水磨石搭配合線性衣架,流線型的洗漱臺、梳妝檯,大面積的使用了帷幔式卡普龍的懸掛裝置,輔以從上而下的洗牆燈,燈光層層隨機漫射而下,柔和了頂面和牆面的界限,讓顧客享有沉浸式的柔和體驗。設計在牆面大面積的使用材質進行對比,尤其在單人VIP的室內的Box抬高,讓整個空間的氛圍奠定了清爽溫馨的基調,組成了高端護理單人間。 The VIP room is created from the material and layout, which is dedicated to the VIP space. Firstly, in terms of materials, the design team chose to use marble, terrazzo, matching linear hangers, streamlined washstands and dressing tables, and used a curtain-type Capron suspension device in a large area, supplemented by wall-washing The lights and light layers diffuse randomly, softening the boundary between the top surface and the wall surface, allowing customers to enjoy an immersive soft experience. And the use of materials on a large area of the wall for comparison, especially in the single VIP indoor box elevation, so that the atmosphere of the entire space laid a refreshing and warm tone, forming a high-end care single room. ...... 在布局上,讓客戶能夠在享受皮膚管理的同時,一覽窗外的風景,進而更好的放鬆身心,並且在內部也做了乾濕分離,讓空間使用更潔凈溫馨。 In terms of layout, customers can enjoy the skin management while viewing the scenery outside the window, so as to better relax their body and mind. In addition, dry and wet separation is also done in the interior to make the space cleaner and warmer. ......... 跟隨入口的這陣「絲般順滑」的風,步入空間的同時也逐漸放鬆下身心,將原本枯燥的皮膚管理過程融合進了夢幻現代有吸引力的護理空間。 Following the "silk-smooth" wind at the entrance, as you step into the space, you gradually relax your body and mind, and integrate the originally boring skin management process into a dreamy modern attractive nursing space. ... Project Name | 項目名稱 YOUNGER CARE 漾皮膚管理中心設計 Location | 項目地址 浙江寧波 Area | 項目面積 300㎡ Designer | 設計師 王韋航 文字/圖片:JACKY·W DESIGN 圖片調整編輯/排版:寸匠 DESIGNER 設計師介紹 ... 王韋航 從事室內設計行業9年 王韋航室內設計有限公司創始人、設計總監 設計理念: 設計為了生活,生活為了更好的設計。 從事的行業正好是我們感興趣的事物時,工作便成為一種享受。享受每一刻設計帶來的提升,便能讓設計成為生活的一部分。「design for the life,life for the better design」設計為了生活,生活為了更好的設計 設計師獲獎: ·第13屆美國BEST OF YEAR 2018 ·第16屆國際設計傳媒獎 THE INTERNATIONAL DESIGN MEDIA AWARDS 2018 ·第26屆APIDA亞太設計設計大獎 AISA PACIFIC INTERIOR DESIGN AWARDS 2018 ·2018年金外灘獎 寸匠-為青年設計發聲 歡迎投稿作品 cunchina@163.com ... 喜歡本期寸匠 歡迎留言和我們討論
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