
  This volume presents a timely assessment of the Hu–Wen Administration at the juncture of preparing a change of China’s leadership in 2012–13. The assessment is important because the administration’s apparent success tends to create a path-dependent orientation on the part of its successor.

  Bringing together a collection of nineteen major essays, this book offers a fresh perspective of evaluating the performance and achievements of China in the Hu–Wen era in terms of economic development, the establishment of a rudimentary social security system and her rising international status. The new opportunities and challenges facing China, and how will the likely successors Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang handle those opportunities and challenges, as well as new policy programmes will also be discussed in greater detail. Each essay is written by experts and scholars from different academic disciplines and backgrounds to provide readers with a unique overview of their respective areas of expertise.

  This book will provide a platform for further informed deliberations among academics, students, corporate executives and professionals who are interested in China’s development.


1.Challenges for Hu-Wen and Their Successors: Consolidating the "Beijing Consensus" Model
—Joseph Y. S. CHENG

2.Democratization within the CPC and the Future of Democracy in China
—Feng LIN

3.Purchase of Office in China: A Shortcut for Career Advancement?
—Jun LI and Joseph Y. S. CHENG

4.Cadre Performance Appraisal and Fabrication of Economic Achievement in Chinese Officialdom
—Jun LI and Joseph Y. S. CHENG

5.The Internet and Political Marketing  in Globalizing China
—Chin-fu HUNG

6.The Transitional Role of the Hu-Wen Leadership in China: A Case Study of Liu Xiaobo
—Mobo GAO

7.China Wages Quasi-Superpower Diplomacy
—Willy Wo-Lap LAM

8.New History Inside Hu Jintao's Foreign Policy: "Harmony" versus "Hegemony"
—Ronald C. KEITH

9.Battle Ready? Developing a Blue-water Navy. China's Strategic Dilemma
—Joseph Y. S. CHENG and Stefania PALADINI

10.The Twelfth Five-Year Plan: Strategic Adjustments, the Impact of the Global Financial Tsunami, and the Socio-Political Challenges
—Joseph Y. S. CHENG

11.China's Financial Development under Hu-Wen's Leadership: The Unfinished Revolution
—Baozhi QU and Yang LI

12.Labour Policies under Hu-Wen's Regime: Transformation and Challenges
—Chris King-chi CHAN

13.New Labour Law and Its Implication  for the Human Rights Regime in China
—Alvin Y. SO

14.China's Green Challenges in the Rise to Global Power under the Leadership of Hu Jintao
—Carlos Wing-Hung LO, Yok-shiu F. LEE and Xueyong ZHAN

15.Challenges and Prospects of Reforestation in Contemporary China: The Case of the Grain for Green Project
—Jie GAO and Jia GUO

16.Observations on Education Policy under Hu's Leadership and Wen's Administration:  The Past and the Next Decade
—Steven HOLM

17.Strengthening Political Education in Chinese Universities in the Hu Jintao Era: A Critical Reading of the CPC's No. 16 Document (2004)
—Qinghua WANG

18.Mending the Chinese Welfare Net:  Tool for Social Harmony or Regime Stability?
—Linda WONG

19.Sino-Vatican Relations in China's Rise:  From Clash of Authority to Accommodation
—Beatrice LEUNG

20.  Epilogue
—Joseph Y. S. CHENG



  China’s achievements in economic development and improvement in international status have been impressive in the past decade. The adjustments in economic development strategy took place before the international financial tsunami in 2008–9, and the response to the crisis was decisive. The building of a social security net covering the entire population has been benefitting hundreds of millions people. Much credit goes to the Hu Jintao–Wen Jiabao administration in 2002–2012.

  At the same time, there has been no significant political reforms in the past decade and more. Corruption has become more rampant; various vested interests have been more entrenched. Even official think-tank researchers admit that policy implementation often encounters strong resistance at the local level. Despite the raising of living standards, dissatisfaction and grievances continue to accumulate as reflected by the increases in frequency and scale of mass incidents. Unrest and riots in ethnic minority areas pose an obvious challenge.

  The Chinese economy promptly recovered from the recent international financial crisis, but the economic downturn in the  United States and Europe is expected to dampen China’s exports. The external economic environment is less likely to offer strong support for sustainable high growth rates. Meanwhile, economic difficulties in the developed countries generate more pressure on China to adjust its high dependence on trade and assume greater responsibility for the reform of the international financial structure.

  The high-profile “return to Asia” strategy of the Obama administration fully exploits the uneasiness of China’s neighbours which have been concerned with the Chinese leadership’s assertiveness in territorial disputes and its military modernization programme. Their hedging strategies in turn facilitate the United States’ attempts to contain China’s influence and secure a guiding role in the regional economic integration process. Beijing now experiences diplomatic setbacks and is aware that greater efforts are required to re-assure the countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

  Assessment of the Hu-Wen administration’s performance is a complicated task; it is important because the administration’s apparent success tends to create a path-dependence orientation on the part of its successor. A team of experts has been recruited to offer a volume to evaluate the administration’s achievements and difficulties in various policy areas, as well as the likely challenges and policy changes in the years ahead. Each author has been invited to focus on one important issue and offer his/her analysis, so that this book will provide a platform for further informed deliberations among academics, students, corporate executives and professionals who are interested in China’s development.

  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the authors for their support and co-operation. Thanks are also due to the staff of the City University of Hong Kong Press for their professionalism and dedication throughout the publication process.

Joseph Y. S. Cheng
January 2012



  • ISBN:9789629371975
  • 規格:平裝 / 656頁 / 16 x 23 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港
  • 本書分類:> >



在讀書階段,相信有很多人都有被老師看不起的經歷,那怕你是學霸。被老師看不起可不是學渣的專利,學霸也有被老師看不起的時候,如果學霸恃才自傲,狂妄自大,這樣的學霸十有八九被老師所看不起。 假如在你的讀書階段有幸能被老師看不起,有時還真的不是一件壞事,或許老師想要這樣厭惡的方式來狠狠地刺激你不斷前進。但是,如果你是因為自己「作」而被老師看不起,那只能對你深表同情了。 ... 因為被老師看不起不同於被同學看不起,始終感覺背如芒刺,如鯁在喉。影響心情不說,關鍵還影響學習。 學霸也好學渣也罷,如果你被老師所看不起,真的沒什麼。如果你能看得破,最多也只是你人生中的小挫折而已。你大可不必為此生氣,大可不必為此焦慮,沒有必要和老師去理論一番,更沒有必要用肢體與老師抗衡。 凡事皆有因,萬般皆有果。既然你已經被你的老師看不起了,你要做的不是理論,不是去用肢體抗衡,而是要想辦法去改變你自己。為此,你得接受這看不起的事實,得去尋找造成被老師看不起的根源,最後還得努力去改變這一切。 1.接受被看不起的事實 如果你被老師看不起了,如果你去和老師理論,會讓老師對你更加厭惡。既然爭論無益,抗衡不可取,倒不如去選擇接受,要想老師轉變對你的看法,你不能怒形於色,得用實際行去證明自己的正確和強大。 金無足赤,人無完人。我們每個人身上或多或少都存在點小瑕疵,因此,你不可能要求人人都得對你滿意。別人對你有的評價,存在一點看法,或者說是看不起你,太正常不過了。 ... 有些對候我們在用一隻手指責別人的時候,同樣有三個手指在指責著自己。因為指責別人的人也並非完美無缺,他能看不起別人,同樣他也會被別人看不起,老師也不排除在外。 可能,你會被老師暫時所看不起,可能是老師對你有點小誤會,可能是你還不夠努力……。不管什麼原因,你都得放下一切高傲和自滿, 去接受他對你的看不起。化鬧心為動力,勤奮好學,你的成功就會說明一切。 ... 2.尋找被看不起的根源 萬事皆有因,萬般皆是果。既然您被老師看不起,就一定有老師對你不看好的地方,世上怎麼可能有無緣無故恨呢。 你與老師,本身就是前生無怨,後世無仇。老師本身沒打算去看不起你,因為你們本身就沒利害衝突,他之所以看不起你,肯定有一定的前設。也許是你的不當言行,也許是你的狂妄自滿;也許是你做作業抄襲……。這些都有可能令老師對你另眼相看的。 不管是什麼原因,你自己的清楚,你自己都不能認清自身缺點,又談何去改正,又怎麼可能讓別人對你有好感。 當然,被老師所看不起也不是一定是學生的原因,也有可能是老師的原因,當然這是小機率事件。有些老師本身行為就異端,大多數學生都不看好,這樣的老師看不起你,我倒覺得是一件幸事,否則你也是異類。 ... 3.努力改變自己 萬物相生相剋,無下則無上,無低則無高,無苦則無甜。如果你肯沉下來,虛心努力學習,終究你會被所有的人所接受,更何況老師呢。要知道,大多數老師還是喜歡成績好的同學。 如果你很不自量力,甚至衝動,最終難堪的還是你自己。還是那句話,你應該化被動為主動,你越不被人看得起,你就得越努力,只有這樣才有可能引起老師轉變對你不友好的看法。 ... ​有同學總想著去老師溝通,抱著老師是個深明大義的人,殊不知有些事情是越描越黑的,你的膚淺解釋只會讓老師對你更加厭惡,卻無法扭轉對你的態度。當然,你也不要刻意在老師面前表現什麼,要的就是真心努力。 你的努力都會被人看在眼裡,你的成功最終會被放在榜上。只要你努力了,沒有人會對你所看不起,更何況還是你的老師。










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